As a literary magazine that supports and amplifies new voices, Touchstone understands how hard it is for emerging writers to enter the publishing world for the first time. The Debut Prize is set to usher writers into the gate and celebrate their debut in the literary community.

This year, Touchstone awarded the Debut Prize to a winner and a runner-up in nonfiction. Touchstone recognized the winning essays with a cash prize, $50 for the winning contributor and $30 for the runner-up. In addition to paid publication, the contributing writers receive an original broadside art piece inspired by their work, exclusively designed by a talented artist.

Our editorial team selected “To Be Held” by Emma Zimmerman as the winner of the Debut Prize in Nonfiction, and Grace Katich’s “Fractured Memory” as the runner-up. The custom broadsides inspired by these pieces were designed by our guest artists, Oen Griffin and Paige Rickman. You can read the winning pieces and view the broadsides by clicking on the links below.

A huge congratulations to Emma and Grace for their excellent nonfiction publications!




Debut Prize in Nonfiction 2022, winner

“To Be HEld” By emma Zimmerman

Debut Prize in Nonfiction 2022, runner-up

“Fractured Memory” By Grace Katich